Category web_hotel

Restart of the web system

The servers constituting our web site is going to have a restart Wed Nov 10, at 10:00 am. Downtime for individual components is going to be short (hopefully), but there may be short hiccups due to dependencies between servers.

WordPress upgraded to version 5.8

We’ve upgraded the WordPress installation to the latest version today. The main change is a more developed editor experience, with more blocks and more advanced blocks, some extra help for publishers, and some new image functions. Also, we no longer…

[DONE!] Restart of the web hotel

Patched and restarted. No problems! On Thursday June 17, at 14:00, the web hotel will be restarted. The downtime is estimated to be less than 15 minutes. We are preparing the system for the summer season, when we are avoiding…

IT now has a more private site, too!

There’s stuff we do not want to be accessible on the ‘Net, except to our own users. The simplest method for us to effect this is to require the connecting web browser to be running on a computer inside our…

The MEB “web hotel”

What is it? The “web hotel” is a place where our researchers and employees can publish stuff on the web. It has a WordPress server, it can run shiny apps, and it can also host ordinary static web sites. It…