Category operational_info

Posts w/news on the state of our systems — when something breaks or is down, f’rinstance

Network maintenance 2020-12-17

KI central IT is performing maintenance on the network, tonight between 19:00 and 21:00. This should not affect our services … More info: Driftinfo/operating info @ KI.

[Beslut] VDI avgift VT2021

MEB:s ledningsgrupp har gett oss besked att VDI förblir kostnadsfritt under VT2021 (både Q1 och Q2). Förnyad diskussion tas igen under april/maj 2021, så vi vet hur vi gör inför Q3 och Q4 2021.

The old web hotel has been closed!

The web server on fafner has been closed down. Its tasks has been transferred to a new host, and in general the transfer should not make a difference for the general public. If you have a blog/Wordpress site, you’ll get…