
In Philosophies, Puzzles and Paradoxes, we found (so far) the following typos/errors:

  • Page 17, line 12: ‘Alfred Wagener’ should be ‘Alfred Wegener’
  • Page 135, line 4: ‘David Lindley’ should be ‘Dennis Lindley’
  • Page 265, line 4 from the bottom: the referred equation (17.5) is wrong. It should refer to the equation in page 267, line 5.
  • Page 266, line 12: the referred equation (17.5) is wrong. It should refer to the equation in page 267, line 5 from the bottom.
  • Page 296: line 11: W(y) = yI(y>u) + 2yI(y<u). Replace 2y by x(y), defined as the amount in the other envelope as a function of y. If y=theta, then x(y)=2theta. If y=2theta, then x(y)=theta.

Related to In all likelihood: Statistical modelling and inference using likelihood. Oxford University Press, June 2001. You can download: